
Tenecteplase in acute stroke – EMA authorization

Tenecteplase is a thrombolytic drug that is used to dissolve blood clots in the brain. It is a type of medication called a tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). Tenecteplase is administered as a single intravenous bolus injection, which means that it is given all at once through a vein. On 14 December 2023, the Committee for Medicinal […]

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Milvexian in secondary stroke prevention

“Despite major advances in cardiovascular and stroke treatment over the past two decades, millions of patients currently remain untreated or undertreated due to the risk of bleeding, but for whom thrombotic events could be prevented,” said Robert Harrington, MD, Arthur L. Bloomfield. Professor of Medicine and Chairman of the Department of Medicine, Stanford University, Librexia.i […]

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2021 meeting teleneurology umbria Uncategorized

Meeting Telemedicine COVID aftermath

The Umbria network is our own Telestroke / Tele neurology network based in southern Umbria and covering the mountain area of the Appennini (Norcia), central Umbria valley (Spoleto) and internal hills of Orvieto municipality. The distance  from the hub and the farthest spoke is above 100km. The first tele thrombolysis was successfully performed in February […]

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2021 Uncategorized

Stroke in Amharic – ስትሮክ

When we try to talk about stroke in different languages the first step is to code/define a keyword. Stroke in many languages can be defined in different ways but often the English one may be considered. This is not always possible if the alphabet adopted is not one of the mainstream. Geʽez (Geʽez: ግዕዝ, Gəʿəz) is a […]

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Telemedicine and Covid-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for a broader implementation of telemedicine for many diseases has become apparent. Televisits are one type of telemedicine in which clinical visits are conducted remotely using an audio-visual connection with the patient at home. The use of televisits is more established in Stroke care but was also recently formally evaluated for Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This retrospective case series describes patient characteristics and reasons for televisits in persons with MS during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in Italy, which was declared in February 2020.

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by F. Corea and S. Rutovic INFODEMIOLOGY Infodemiology, a concept defined by Eysenbach, relates to “the science of distribution and determinants of information in an electronic medium, specifically the Internet, or in a population, with the ultimate aim to inform public health and public policy”. The source of information for infodemiological studies, in most of […]

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2020 ictus italy NEWS Uncategorized

Stroke care at COVID time

  By Marialuisa Zedde, Reggio Emilia Hospital, Italy Following Francesco’s example, I wrote some practical considerations on how the organization of our daily work has already changed and is still changing in taking care of patients with acute stroke. My point of observation comes from a hospital earlier and more directly involved in the ongoing […]

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2020 EU guidelines health ictus italy milan neurology NEWS Uncategorized

Stroke care during COVID-19 pandemic

While the price in terms of victims for COVID19 increases there can be further dramatic repercussions for many other diseases and clinical fields. The toll could be very high. My personal point of view, The Italian health care system suffers the shock of coronavirus pandemic. From the news that I have available, several stroke units […]

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Telestroke Workshop Foligno 2019

Workshop: How to set up a Telestroke Network 25-26 October 2019 – Foligno, Italy Description: The Workshop is a 2-day course to help strokologists to develop a telemedicine assisted stroke network within their region. It will consist of knowledge transfer and a hands-on network development for the chosen region of each participant, incorporating the recommendations […]

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2019 Uncategorized

I Social Media per l’#Ictus: si parte da un’ #emoticon e dall’effetto #Riverdale

L’Italia e Milano ospiteranno per la prima volta il prossimo 22 Maggio il congresso Europeo dell’ESOC cioè European Stroke Organization Conference  Questo congresso medico, che si tiene al MiCo, vedrà migliaia di esperti di ictus riunirsi in uno dei più grandi consessi globali sul tema. Si teneva a Goteborg nel 2018 quindi a Milano quest’anno […]

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